Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Water baptism on Easter Sunday

This Sunday, April 8, there was a double holiday in "God's Covenant" church. First, it is day of Easter when there was a festive church service, and secondly, water baptism took place in the church. Right after the church service 7 people made covenant with the Lord by means of water baptism.

It was a real celebration! Wonderful solemn atmosphere filled the place where baptism service was held. Pastor Stanislav Zlobin gave short bible preachment about the meaning of water baptism which was finished with a collective prayer. After that one by one people entered into the water where baptism was made. Baptism was made by pastor Stanislav Zlobin and the apprentice pastor Sergey Filipov. Each person solemnly professed the belief in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour, and made the promise to God of kind conscience; then followed baptism by complete immersion into the water.

The fact that baptism was accepted at once by two young married couples - the husband and the wife was remarkable. One of the young women on the eve of baptism caught a cold and in the day of baptism had fever, but despite it, she made the firm decision to make a covenant with God. After her baptism from temperature remained no trace, and it rose no more! Thank God for His miracles!

The baptism service ended with a collective prayer of gratitude to God and a prayer for everyone who was baptised separately.

We want to thank God for these fine people who made the decision to follow the Lord and confirmed their decision with means of water baptism. 7 more souls are completely rescued!

Press centre of God's Covenant Church
photo - Victor Petrochenko

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