Thursday, April 19, 2012

Evangelization meeting for children in Naujene

This year the church «God's Covenant» in cooperation with the mission «Samaritan’s Purse» started to carry out a series of children's holidays on which Gospel is preached among a special audience – children and teenagers!

The first evangelization passed in the settlement of Naujene where a rural school opened its doors for the Good News.

The team of children's and youth service of our church organized a holiday during which children and teenagers could hear about the mission «Samaritan’s Purse», which main appeal is the message of Jesus Christ's – «Go and do likewise!» from the parable about the good Samaritan.

Each child can become a hero who doesn't pass by those people who are in need, in trouble or difficulty.

During the holiday everyone could hear the preaching of Gospel. By means of slide demonstration on the screen children could observe visually the message about God, sin, Jesus Christ and salvation, and eternal life with the Lord.

Certainly there were also games, prizes and quizzes, and all children received gifts at the end, and they were about 120.

Now we work with all children who are willing. We give fascinating classes for children using books «Greatest travel». The classes are carried out by the employee of children's Sunday school in our church Anna Cirulis. During these classes children study bible stories with interest, watch biblical animated films, play, sing and draw!

Press centre of God's Covenant Church
Photo - Evgenia Melnikova

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