Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter holiday for children

This Sunday, April 15, in the «God's Covenant» church a festive event for children was held. Every Sunday we bring to the church children from a district near the city and from the social house by bus; they are accompanied by careful sisters, members of our church Raimonda Akulova, Gulya Polyakova, Valentina Ivanova, Valentina Burunova, so that children can study the Bible and hear about God on Sunday school.

This Sunday there were more children than usually since there was a children's holiday devoted to Easter after the Sunday school. In the break after the Sunday church service all children were fed. Thanks the Lord for the hostesses that took part in feeding of children, as they were many and all were fed!

This holiday was special, the Spiderman and the Laugher became protagonists. Children react and perceive God's truth particularly through such fantastic heroes.

There are many methods to teach God's principles for children. Service of the Kopylovs couple - Andrey (Spiderman) and Elena (Laugher) was clear and comprehensible for children.

Pleasure, laughter, depth and simplicity of the report of the evangelical message that was full of God's love undoubtedly touched the hearts of the children. Children were delighted!!!

After the holiday all children, they were about 100, received gifts from a charitable mission «Samaritan’s Purse». This holiday left the sea of joyful impressions in the hearts of the children. But work doesn't stop on this. After the holiday all children who were willing could register in the club «Greatest travel» in which children can learn even more about God and His word.

Special gratitude to everyone who is involved in the work with children, to teachers and their assistants - Anna Cirulis, Elita Auzane, Lolita Auzane, Santa Dzalbe, Kristina Nitisha, Alexey Filippov, Johanna Zlobina, David Zlobin, the praise singer - Raimonda Akulova, the driver Valery Lobanovsky, employees of the kitchen on feeding of children - Lyubov Alekseeva, Svetlana Kolosovskaya, Vera Lebedeva. And also to everyone who donates for Sunday school, to members of the «God's Covenant» church, Alla and Ruslan Vanin, and Christians from Denmark.
Press centre of "God's Covenant" church
Photo - Evgenya Melnikova, Johanna Zlobina

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Evangelization meeting for children in Naujene

This year the church «God's Covenant» in cooperation with the mission «Samaritan’s Purse» started to carry out a series of children's holidays on which Gospel is preached among a special audience – children and teenagers!

The first evangelization passed in the settlement of Naujene where a rural school opened its doors for the Good News.

The team of children's and youth service of our church organized a holiday during which children and teenagers could hear about the mission «Samaritan’s Purse», which main appeal is the message of Jesus Christ's – «Go and do likewise!» from the parable about the good Samaritan.

Each child can become a hero who doesn't pass by those people who are in need, in trouble or difficulty.

During the holiday everyone could hear the preaching of Gospel. By means of slide demonstration on the screen children could observe visually the message about God, sin, Jesus Christ and salvation, and eternal life with the Lord.

Certainly there were also games, prizes and quizzes, and all children received gifts at the end, and they were about 120.

Now we work with all children who are willing. We give fascinating classes for children using books «Greatest travel». The classes are carried out by the employee of children's Sunday school in our church Anna Cirulis. During these classes children study bible stories with interest, watch biblical animated films, play, sing and draw!

Press centre of God's Covenant Church
Photo - Evgenia Melnikova

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Water baptism on Easter Sunday

This Sunday, April 8, there was a double holiday in "God's Covenant" church. First, it is day of Easter when there was a festive church service, and secondly, water baptism took place in the church. Right after the church service 7 people made covenant with the Lord by means of water baptism.

It was a real celebration! Wonderful solemn atmosphere filled the place where baptism service was held. Pastor Stanislav Zlobin gave short bible preachment about the meaning of water baptism which was finished with a collective prayer. After that one by one people entered into the water where baptism was made. Baptism was made by pastor Stanislav Zlobin and the apprentice pastor Sergey Filipov. Each person solemnly professed the belief in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour, and made the promise to God of kind conscience; then followed baptism by complete immersion into the water.

The fact that baptism was accepted at once by two young married couples - the husband and the wife was remarkable. One of the young women on the eve of baptism caught a cold and in the day of baptism had fever, but despite it, she made the firm decision to make a covenant with God. After her baptism from temperature remained no trace, and it rose no more! Thank God for His miracles!

The baptism service ended with a collective prayer of gratitude to God and a prayer for everyone who was baptised separately.

We want to thank God for these fine people who made the decision to follow the Lord and confirmed their decision with means of water baptism. 7 more souls are completely rescued!

Press centre of God's Covenant Church
photo - Victor Petrochenko

Thursday, April 12, 2012


A benefit concert with participation of the well-known violinist virtuoso Sergey Popov took place in the large conference hall of the hotel Park Hotel Latgola in the city of Daugavpils on April 4. The concert passed under the motto - "To Israel, With love ". Representatives of the Jewish community of the city, evangelical Christian churches and inhabitants of Daugavpils were invited to the concert.

The concert was opened by the pastor of Daugavpils Evangelical Christian church "God's Covenant" Stanislav Zlobin. He told that the concert took place thanks to joint efforts of the church "God's Covenant" and the Jewish community of the city of Daugavpils, with assistance of the International Christian embassy in Jerusalem. The representatives of the embassy from Latvia Ilze and Maris Saulitis also were present at the concert. Pastor Stanislav told about the main goal of the concert - to begin a fund raising for the restoration of the Memorial complex to Holocaust victims in the city of Daugavpils.

Historian Joseph Rachko, the board member of the Jewish community of the city of Daugavpils, told in detail about the history of the establishment of the Memorial complex and the Holocaust tragedy in Daugavpils. His father appeared to be the one of the few who survived in this terrible tragedy by miracle.

After the opening speeches, Sergey Popov began the concert program. From the first notes the hall was literally plunged into the unusual atmosphere of God's presence and everyone was touched to the bottom of their soul and heart.

Wonderful compositions accompanied by a video display were interrupted by Sergey Popov's wise message in the form of stories and parables; they didn't leave anybody indifferent, and it was testified by the reaction of the audience - tears, pleasure, affection, prolonged applause. After the concert Sergey received a large number of thankful words from Jews, Christians and all who were present, and wishes for more such concerts.

The benefit concert served as a start for fund raising for the restoration of the Memorial complex of victims of the Holocaust in the city of Daugavpils. After the concert anyone could make the donation in fund for restoration of the Memorial.
Opening of the restored Memorial is planned on July 4 during the meeting at Remembrance Day of victims of the Holocaust that is officially held in Latvia.

Anyone can take part in fund raising for the restoration of the Memorial. You can send your donations to special bank account:
“Swedbank” AS, Daugavpils filiāle (“Swedbank” JSC, Daugavpils branch)
Account (IBAN): LV25HABA0551030324580
Beneficiary: Daugavpils Evangelical Christian church "God's Covenant” (Daugavpils Evaņģēlisko Kristiešu draudze “Dieva Derība”)
ID: 90000166572
Details: Ziedojums/Donation (Memorial)

For more information please contact us by e-mail:, or by phone: +371-654-21829

God’s Covenant Church press-centre
Photo - Ilona Melnikova, Andrey Kopylov