Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The most cheerful, bright, joyful and dramatized Jewish holiday of Purim draws closer; this year it is held on the 8th and 9th of March. In Daugavpils (Latvia) there will be a celebratory charitable action devoted to Purim on March, 11th at 4 pm.

The holiday program is interesting and saturated: Purim Spiel, devoted to the holiday; Purim’s carnival; competition for the best Purim’s suit; prizes and gifts; traditional Purim’s treat  «Haman's ears» (hamantash).
The main event of the holiday – Purim Spiel narrates about a wonderful rescue of Jews from the extermination in Ancient Persia. The audience will plunge into the year 3392 from the day of the creation, at the time of king’s Achashverosh reign. Malicious first minister of the king – Haman, who hated Jews, hatched a plan and, with the consent of the king, passed a decree about the extermination of Jews in one day – Adar 13th. But The Supreme, once again, rescues Jews from the extermination.

The performance, at the given stage, is on the finish line, with the participation of amateur actors and youth drama studio "Smile" of Evangelical Christian Church «God’s Covenant» in Daugavpils.

Collectives of the Daugavpils Jewish community will take part in the performance: a klezmer chapel, two vocal collectives, adult "Mazel Tov" (good luck) and children's "Faerleh" (Sparks), two dancing ensembles "Aviva" (spring) and "Halom" (Dream). Jewish klezmer melodies, vocal performance of national Jewish songs, dancing compositions, will fill the performance with special feelings, underlining the tragic and joyful moments of Jews` life in Persia, displayed in the performance, creating a unique Jewish colour.

Both scenery and suits for the performance have been made by own means, with the help of the church and actors; everything was done with a strong desire, creative approach and uplift.

The forthcoming holiday is unique because the present Purim Spiel will take place in Daugavpils 25 years after the last performance of Purim Spiel in 1987.
After performance, according to the tradition of Purim, Jews of the city, invited to attend the holiday, will receive grocery packages (150 packages in total).
If you want to visit this holiday, contact us by e-mail – dievaderiba@inbox.lv, or by phone +371-29254626. The quantity of seats is limited.
We will be glad, if you support the organization of this holiday financially, by making a donation for the God’s Covenant Church, the organizer of the holiday:
Bank: „Swedbank” AS, Daugavpils filiāle (branch)
Account (IBAN): LV25HABA0551030324580
Beneficiary: Daugavpils Evaņģēlisko Kristiešu draudze “Dieva Derība” (Daugavpils Evangelisko Kristiesu draudze “Dieva Deriba”)
Registration NR (ID): 90000166572
The purpose of payment: Donation

Alla Terehova
The head of youth drama studio "Smile"

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