Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas meeting

Once again the Christmas meeting has taken place in the God’s Covenant Church (Daugavpils). People of different age were gathered for the celebration, especially there were many children. There have arrived visitors from Lithuania. Each person and child who has come for the celebration could fill with holiday atmosphere. Festive attires, decorations, smiling faces and actors, singers and dancers who could be seen in elegant suits – all of it created a special celebratory mood.

Preparation for a holiday went at a full speed: participants, worrying, rehearsed and prepared for their performances; and spectators took convenient places in the hall, so that it was possible to take pleasure in the celebratory program, and to present the applause to the participants in gratitude for their celebratory concert. The celebratory program was led by Anna Cirulis. The program was interesting and saturated; there were a lot of participants.

After the glorification of the Lord, children began their performance. Accompanied by a Christmas song about the birth of Jesus Christ, small children turned, danced as snowflakes and caused affection and smiles of the parishioners. Under the direction of Alla Terehova, the church drama school showed a performance about the birth of the Christ, about His Love for every person and family.

Many songs about Christmas were performed. The group «David's Harp» sang a well known song "Silent night". Men who sang sincerely with all their hearts a song «You are my pearl, Jesus» also congratulated us. Many verses and words of congratulation were spoken on this great holiday!

In the conclusion of the celebration leader Anna, all participants and parishioners sang a song – «This holiday in the middle of winter. We’ll never forget it!». The feeling of pleasure and sensation of a holiday overflowed all people! After a concert all went to the church cafe, continuing celebrating.

A separate celebratory program has been prepared for the children. There were sketches, quizzes, riddles, prizes, a sweet festive table and a concert. In the end of a holiday all children could watch a cartoon film about Christmas. All children were very happy!

Thanks the Lord for gifts, for all who endowed money for the children of Sunday school. Thanks to you, we have given gifts, a festive table for children; have bought a projector to watch videos on the big screen!

Special gratitude to the members of God’s Covenant Church for donations and the help for children's service, and also to Alla and Ruslan Vanin for gifts to our children, and thanks our friends from Denmark for their support, toys and the financial help! For many children the Sunday school is a place where they are loved, welcomed and where we are always glad to see them!

It is planned to have a big holiday for the children of the city in the beginning of 2012.

Article written by Karina Guseva